• One of the many elephants of the Tarangire National Park

10 Days Tanzania Safari Package

The best of northern parks in 10 days’ time! You’ll be visiting Arusha, Tarangire and Serengeti National Park, as well as the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Lake Natron and Lake Manyara. This itinerary offers a unique game drive and walking safari in the Ikona Wildlife Management Area and overnight in a Maasai boma lodge! This is a Lodge Safari package with comfort en-suite accommodations.

#day 3

Rift Valley Thumbnail
You can do a walking Safari in the Arusha National Park and see animals like this Zebra

Day 1 – Arusha National Park

Today your 10 Days Tanzania Safari Package starts! We pick you up from your hotel in or around Arusha. Your guide will take you to Arusha National Park, a park with beautiful scenery and a large population of animals. The park is divided into three parts: Mount Meru, Ngurdoto Crater and Momella Lakes. After a game drive you have the option to do a guided walking safari. On foot you can enjoy giraffes, buffalos and other animals from a good distance. If you go on a walking Safari an armed ranger will accompany you for safety. At the end of the day we take you to Africa Safari Arusha Lodge where you can relax at the pool.

Even in the Tarangire National Park there are a few cheetahs

Day 2 – Tarangire National Park

After breakfast we travel for about 2 hours from Arusha to Tarangire National Park. This relatively unknown and exceptionally game-rich park is famous for huge numbers of elephants and ancient baobab trees. Some of these Baobab Trees are more than 1000 years old. Big cat sightings are frequent and during the dry season the Tarangire River is one of the few water sources in the area. That’s why you will see lots of mammals in this special National Park. At the end of the day we go to Africa Safari Lake Manyara where you overnight in a fully furnished en-suite tent. You can finish your first Safari day in style with a refreshing dive into the swimming pool followed by a sun downer at the bar.

Experience the local culture and visit the market in Mto wa Mbu with our 10 Days Safari Tanzania Safari Package

Day 3 – Rift Valley

It’s time to be active today. We start early in the morning with a hike on the Great Rift Valley wall. We start in the village of Mto Wa Mbu as we walk through the banana plantations to the Rift Valley wall. Make sure you wear good hiking shoes, the walk will be a bit steep and rocky. Once you are on top you will enjoy the amazing panoramic view of Lake Manyara and Mto Wa Mbu. You’ll be surprised by all the green colours! After a few minutes rest we will walk down to the place where the bikes are waiting for us. The bike tour will take you through the village and you’ll have lunch at a local family. A true Tanzanian experience. In the afternoon we go back to Africa Safari Lake Manyara.

An impressive male lion in the Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Day 4 – Ngorongoro Conservation Area

After breakfast you will descend into the crater for a wonderful game drive (with a picnic lunch) inside the Ngorongoro Conservation Area – often described as one of the wonders of the world. It is the world’s largest intact volcanic caldera and a natural sanctuary for the dense population of animals which inhabit it. It is one of the few places where the rare black rhino can be observed in their natural setting. As very few animals migrate in and out of the crater with its 2000 ft. high walls, you can expect to see lions, elephants, zebras, hippos, flamingos, jackals, rhinos, antelopes, many birds and myriad other species. With a bit of luck the ‘Big Five’ can be spotted in just one single game drive! At the end of the day we head to Ndutu/South Serengeti where we overnight at Africa Safari South Serengeti. The area is famous for the calving season of the Great Migration, an absolute highlight of the annual wildebeest migration.

This Tanzania Safari Package brings you to the annual great migration of wildebeests in the Serengeti National Park

Day 5 – Serengeti National Park

It is time to enter the world’s most famous wildlife sanctuary. Enjoy a full day of game drives within the legendary Serengeti National Park. Depending on the time of year and the migration of the herds you can expect to see wildebeest, giraffes, zebras, monkeys, baboons, hippos, antelopes, myriad bird species and, of course, the fabled “Big Five” – lion, elephant, cape buffalo, black rhino and leopard. Enjoy your picnic lunches in the bush, cautiously approach the hippo pool, and generally marvel at the rough, rugged and ever-expanding wilderness which surrounds you. At the end of the day we arrive at Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma, where you overnight in a en-suite comfort tent.

A giraffe stretching its neck to reach fresh thorn tree foliage

Day 6 – Ikoma Wildlife Management Area

The next day we will start the day with a game drive in the Ikoma Wildlife Management Area. This protected area is on the border of the Serengeti National Park and supports a lot of wildlife across 242 km², including herds of elephant, many antelopes species and big cat predators. In the afternoon we will explore the area by foot with a local guide (walking Safari) and you can ask questions about the park’s wildlife, plants and geology. In the Ikoma area Masaai people and their livestock are living together with the animals of the Serengeti Eco System. A truly unique experience! You spend another night in your fully furnished comfort tent at Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma.

During your 4 Days Safari Tanzania tour you will have the chance to see the undisputed king of the bush - for example this lion standing on the endless plains of the Serengeti during an early morning game drive with a nice sunrise

Day 7 – Serengeti North

Today we leave Ikoma Wildlife Management area to go on another game drive in the northern part of the Serengeti – home to every member of the Big Five. If you wish you can ask your guide to pass by the Mara river, where thousands of wildebeest and zebras of the great migration are crossing this natural hurdle, trying to avoid the deadly Nile crocodiles (please keep in mind that the exact date of the river crossing is impossible to predict as it depends on the rains). Towards the late afternoon we will leave this legendary park and overnight at the unique Africa Safari Maasai Boma Lodge. As the accommodation’s name suggests, it is inspired by a traditional Maasai houses made of adobe.

Lake Natron during rain season with flamingos feeding on the specialized soda bacteria

Day 8 – Lake Natron

After breakfast we will leave Ololosokwan village and head towards Lake Natron. En route you see many Masai villages, termite mounds, gazelle, giraffe, zebra, baboons, bee boxes, and birds such as vultures, ostrich, starlings, Cory Bustards, and kites. The drive takes you some 4 hours on a partly dusty and bumpy road. In the afternoon you can go on a guided walk around Lake Natron, the lowest point of the Great Rift Valley in Tanzania (600m / 2000 ft) and famous for a vast numbers of flamingos and other water birds due to a high concentrate of in sodium carbonate, algae, and zooplankton. We overnight at Africa Safari Lake Natron in a fully furnished en-suite tent.

A Maasai guide will lead you up the gorge to the spectacular Ngare Sero Waterfalls

Day 9 – Lake Natron Waterfalls

In the morning we will hike up the Ngare Sero River which flows into Lake Natron. In contrast to the surrounding dry landscape, here you can find a small green paradise. After a strenuous walk up the stream, we reach the source of the river, in cascading waterfalls the river gushes out of the mountains. It is an excellent swim in the river and under the waterfalls for a nice cool-down from the hot sun. There may be baboons or other wildlife in the gorge. In the afternoon you’ll head to the small village of Mto Wa Mbu where you overnight one more time at the beautiful Africa Safari Lake Manyara.

Lake Manyara National Park with gnus and birds and the Rift Valley in the background

Day 10 – Lake Manyara National Park

After breakfast we will enter Lake Manyara National Park for another exciting day of game drives. This beautiful park with its lush vegetation and tropical forests of giant fig and mahogany trees, takes its name from the Maasai word for “euphorbia tirucalli”, a bush which is used to make a thorny hedge to protect their cattle. Elephant, giraffe, buffalo, zebra and a variety of antelope inhabit the park as well as a variety of monkeys and a large population of hippos. If you are lucky you may see the Manyara lions, well known for their tree climbing habits, lazily resting on the branches of an “Acacia tortilis” tree. The birdlife is also abundant, with flamingoes, pelicans, hornbills and plenty of forest species. In the late afternoon we return to Arusha for the end of your 10 Days Tanzania Safari Package.

What is this?

• 10 Days Tanzania Safari Package, featuring all the National Parks in the northern circuit as well as the remote Lake Natron area
• a lodge itinerary with fully furnished en-suite tents and rooms
• Safari to Arusha National Park, Tarangire, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti, Ikoma WMA, Lake Natron and Lake Manyara
• classic game drives without any specific physical challenges

Where to stay?

• 1x night standard room at Africa Safari Arusha Lodge

• 3x nights en-suite comfort tent Africa Safari Lake Manyara

• 1x night en-suite comfort tent Africa Safari South Serengeti

• 2x nights en-suite comfort tent Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma

• 1x night Africa Safari Maasai Boma

• 1x night en-suite comfort tent Africa Safari Lake Natron

(full board for all accommodations; 3 meals per day)

This is a true private Safari which can be adjusted in accommodation and routing to fit your needs. That also means you can get the most out of your trip and fine tune your experience with the help of your guide (for example when and where to stop for your lunch pick-nick during game drives).

When to travel?

• all year round, however it can get a little adventurous during rainy season
• daily departure possible

For whom?

• ideal for couples, families, friends, small groups that want to experience all the highlights of the northern Safari circuit in Tanzania

From where to where?

• starting in Arusha / ending in Arusha
• best flights into Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)


  • HIGH season: 1 September – 14 March
  • PEAK season: 16 May – 31 August
  • LOW season: 15 March – 15 May

10 Days Tanzania Safari Package

This map serves to give you an approximate outline of the trip itinerary. The number in each map pin corresponds to the day of this Safari proposal. The exact routing will be determined by our experienced local tour guides.

10 Days Safari Tanzania Map


Game drives with a Safari Truck with pop up roof and experienced guide

National Parks entrance, special camping & concession fees

7x nights in comforts tents with private bathrooms – full board (3 meals per day)

1x night Africa Safari Maasai Boma Lodge

1x night standard room Africa Safari Arusha Lodge

Drinking water (1,5 liter per day)

Booking and Reservation charges


International flight

Airport transfers (can be arranged)

Overnight before and after Safari (can be arranged)

Tourist visa

Personal travel insurance

Drinks & Snacks

Optional activities for your 10 Days Tanzania Safari Package

Interested to see the complete itinerary and price?

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