• A close up portrait of a Rhinoceros, one of the most endangered species in the world

7 Days Safari Tanzania Holidays

The best of northern Tanzania in a week! You’ll be visiting Tarangire, the Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti National Park, Lake Natron and Lake Manyara. This Safari holiday package offers comfortable accommodations and brings you to remote ‘off the beaten track’ areas and for one night you will sleep in the unique Maasai Boma Lodge!

Elephants always have right of way during your 7 Days Safari Tanzania Holidays

Day 1 – Tarangire National Park

Your 7 Days Safari Tanzania starts today with the Tarangire National Park, about a 2 hour drive from the Safari capital Arusha. Tarangire covers an area of 1,409 square kilometers. The park is home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, buffalo and leopards. It is famous for the ancient baobab trees, which are estimated to be over 1,000 years old. The scenery is spectacular – with rolling savannas and lush vegetation. Named after the Tarangire river that runs through the park, the park features more than 550 bird species, making it one of the top bird-watching destinations in the world. Tarangire was established in 1970, and is one of Tanzania’s most popular tourist destinations. In the evening we will drive to Africa Safari Lake Manyara where you overnight in a fully furnished en-suite comfort tent.

A lonley gnu in the the Ngorongoro Caldera (Crater)

Day 2 – Ngorongoro Conservation Area

Today we wake up early in the morning and after breakfast we will drive into the amazing Ngorongoro crater. The Ngorongoro crater is the largest intact crater in the world. The crater features an  estimated 30,000 large mammals. Due to its natural borders, there is an abundance of wildlife throughout the conservation area which is home to the Big Five including the African Black Rhino as well as hyena, zebra and elephants to name a few. Unfortunately the rhinos are critically endangered, therefore they are guarded around the clock by park rangers. At the end of the day we head to Ndutu/South Serengeti where we overnight at Africa Safari South Serengeti. The area is famous for the calving season of the Great Migration, an absolute highlight of the annual wildebeest migration.

A portrait of the fastest land mammal on earth, the cheetah

Day 3 – Serengeti National Park

On the third day it is time to enter the legendary Serengeti National Park. We drive for about an hour and a half with spectacular views descending from the Ngorongoro highlands towards the endless plains. While waiting for your guide to finish with the gate formalities, you use the time to climb up a large kopjes (these large rocks are a habitat for different kinds of flora and fauna that can only be found among these alien looking stone formations) and see the enormous savanna up to the horizon. After an exciting day of exploring this unique environment we arrive at Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma, where you overnight in a fully furnished comfort tent with private bathroom.

Watch out for the dangerous Hippos while on Safari during your Tanzania Holidayss while during your Tanzania Holidays Safari

Day 4 – Serengeti North

The next day we continue our game drive in Serengeti and we will be heading north. In the migration season we can pass by the Mara river. Be amazed by the thousands of animals crossing the river. Truly a once in a lifetime experience! At the end of the day we overnight at Africa Safari Maasai Boma Lodge. As the accommodation’s name suggests, it is inspired by a traditional Maasai Boma. Look around you and you’ll understand why; you’re in their midst. The village is called Ololosokwan and although not located in an official game reserve or national park, due to the proximity of the Serengeti Eco-System there are always animals nearby.

While on your 7 Days Safari Tanzania you will have the chance to encounter and learn about local people & culture like this elder Maasai standing in front of a traditional Boma made from adobe.

Day 5 – Lake Natron

After breakfast we head to Lake Natron. The drives from the northern Serengeti are remote, with a desolate, other-worldly beauty and an incomparable feeling of space and antiquity. The roads pass through untraveled Maasai land, with small Bomas and big mountains often in view in a wild, cauterized landscape. From June to November at the lake around two million flamingos gather. On the way to the lodge we can make a stop at the hot springs. We overnight in an en-suite tent at Africa Safari Lake Natron. The lodge has a swimming pool that is embedded in its surrounding landscapes and comes complete with stunning views of neighboring Mount Ol Doinyo Lengai, a still-active volcano. Enjoy the view! From the lodge you can take a 10 minute walk to the lake with your guide.

Climbing steep rocks with slippers like this adventurous Safari guest is not necessary to reach the Ngare Sero Waterfalls in the Lake Natron area.

Day 6 – Lake Natron Waterfalls

In the morning your guide will take you for an adventurous walk to the Ngare Sero Waterfalls (make sure to bring walking shoes). Named after the Ngare Sero River that originates in the Ngorongoro Highlands and descends through the Rift Valley into the Natron basin. It is one of the few sources of fresh water in the area. The river formed a gorge with steep walll through the millennia. In order to reach the waterfalls you will have to cross the river several times, so make sure to bring some appropriate shoes and equipment. After lunch you’ll head to the small village of Mto Wa Mbu where you overnight at Africa Safari Lake Manyara in beautifully furnished comfort tents with private bathroom.

Snapshot of a cheetah in motion (Lake Manyara National Park)

Day 7 – Lake Manyara National Park

For our last day of Safari we will visit Lake Manyara National Park. Lake Manyara is a soda lake located in the Great Rift Valley, a geological feature that formed millions of years ago and stretches for more than 2,000 kilometers along the eastern side of Africa. Manyara is home to wildlife such as flamingo, giraffes, zebras, hippos and the unique tree climbing lions. We do a game drive in Lake Manyara all day and in the afternoon we drive back to Arusha where we arrive before dinner.

What is this?

• 7 days Safari Tanzania Holidays, featuring the most important national parks in northern Tanzania as well as the remote (Soda-) Lake Natron area
• an itinerary with fully furnished en-suite comfort accommodations
• Safari to Tarangire, Lake Manyara, Serengeti National Park, Lake Natron and the Ngorongoro Crater
• classic game drives without any specific physical challenges

Where to stay?

• 2x nights in comfort tents with private bathroom at Africa Safari Lake Manyara

• 1x night in comfort tents with private bathroom at Africa Safari South Serengeti

• 1x night in comfort tents with private bathroom at Africa Safari Serengeti Ikoma

• 1x night en-suite room at the unique Africa Safari Maasai Boma

• 1x night comfort tents with private bathroom at Africa Safari Lake Natron

(full board for all accommodations; 3 meals per day)

This is a true private Safari which can be adjusted in accommodation and routing to fit your needs. That also means you can get the most out of your trip and fine tune your experience with the help of your guide (i.e. duration of game drives).

When to travel?

• all year round, however it can get a little adventurous during rainy season
• daily departure possible

For whom?

• ideal for couples, families, friends, small groups that want to spend more time in the Serengeti Eco System

From where to where?

• starting in Arusha / ending in Arusha
• best flights into Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO)


  • HIGH season: 1 September – 14 March
  • PEAK season: 16 May – 31 August
  • LOW season: 15 March – 15 May

7 Days Safari Tanzania Holidays Map

This map serves to give you an approximate outline of the trip itinerary. The number in each map pin corresponds to the day of this Safari proposal. The exact routing will be determined by our experienced local tour guides.

7 Days Safari Tanzania Map


Game drives with a Safari Truck with pop up roof and experienced guide

National Parks entrance, special camping & concession fees

5x nights in comfort tents with private bathrooms – full board (3 meals per day)

1x night at the unique Africa Safari Maasai Boma Lodge – full board

Drinking water (1,5 liter per day)

Booking and Reservation charges


International flight

Airport transfers (can be arranged)

Overnight before and after Safari (can be arranged)

Tourist visa

Personal travel insurance

Drinks & Snacks

Optional activities for your 7 Days Safari Tanzania Holidays

Interested to see the complete itinerary and price?

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